The happy Nada Farmer, got my drugs back for a while, nasty little MCO... Finding new and impressive ways to get confused on a daily basis.. And loving it.
The "Nada" Farm Chronicles
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Just to make sure you're caught up.
I worked all winter to get a truck and trailer ready to remove the garage from Lake Street, and the neighbor I tried to sell it to, two years ago, bought it.
The police "give not one grey damn" about the damage done to structures and property in the City of Akron.
Nada Farm and the surrounding area, are as close to Eden as anyone is likely to find on this planet. And I'm too old for the one way Mars mission, even if I am the nearest thing to "Tim Taylor" they will ever find. I wish them well.
So now I have horses "boarding" in the west pasture. I have repaired, but still have a small leak in, the waterline we crushed while putting in the "very last freaking" fence post. And the "flat bed" is legal on Ohio Highways. Time to get to other issues.
I recently made another frame for one of Chris's pictures, she wanted something rustic to go with the southwest theme she and her friend decided needed to take over my bedroom.
We went for a walk through the fields and she spotted a couple old wooden gates, and they were literally overgrown to the point of, I couldn't remove them from the weeds in which they were entangled. I went back with a tractor and a machete and cut them loose and removed them up to the garage. Where I tried to get them to dry out enough to work what was left of their wood, into a frame, I wouldn't be fearful of hanging over my head, while I slept.
She had already decided on a picture of the Grand Canyon that she had manipulated to match the colors of the room. Well here it is.
Meanwhile I have recently been told the house on Lake Street needs a new water line... WAIT A MINUTE! I replaced that line with a brand new 100 foot section of copper pipe, no joints from the street to the house. Jump forward 15 years. In April of 2013 the real devastation began against the house on Lake Street What precipitated it was the monumentally ignorant decision of the geniuses at the gas company, who decided I would pay $21.00 a month for the privilege of having the new line ( they had installed about 6 months earlier) in place, (so I could have it turned on when I wanted it) I was told they were required by law to physically cut the new gas line (really they had installed it less than a year earlier, and here, the area to the left of the steps, ..the raw dirt... is the result of that little escapade),
because it wasn't in use. I suggested they were stupid, and they said it was the LAW! Of course with the assurance that they would be out and have it reconnected in less than two days, whenever I decided it should be re attached for use. Skip forward to today. The fellow I sold the house to, (YEP I FINALLY OWN NOTHING IN AKRON!!!) called to ask if I had any idea why the new waterline I had told him about, would be bubbling water down the entire street and appear to have been cut at the street? And why coincidentally there might be a distinct odor of natural gas near the street. He is very nice about it, and realizes I wouldn't have asked the morons from the gas company to cut the new water line, particularly when I protested that it was stupid to have the new gas line cut, but they claimed it was law... I think it was their little protest about having to finally pay to install the failed line for the gas that led them to cut the water line out of spite. It is a fact however that every time the water department worked on anything in my block they screwed up the water supply to my house. When the house at 49 Lake was removed "because it was a drug house", "because it was not being used as a residence,", "because it had broken windows on the porch" because it had two missing shingles on the third layer of roofing" , The truth was, because the City OF AKRON administration wanted to steal every house in the area and move trash operations to the neighborhood. " for the ultimate good of the city, (screw the residents, who needs them?). I finally, after two years of constant harassment, allowed the city to tear down a perfectly sound structure. And then shoved the biggest garage I could afford right back up their ass, and there was nothing they could do about it.. Well then the water issues started, in turning off the water to the house they stole, they turned off the water to my house. Didn't take me long to figure that one out, it did however take them about 10 hours to come back and turn it on. Even though I could still see the truck of the moron that had turned it off, when I called. Then the lightning strike that blew the original water line a few months later. Of course that can't happen, but it did, and I had proof. Which was totally ignored by everyone involved, including my insurance man, So I bought the new copper line and put it in with the help of my fireman buddy Tom, who happened to do it (replace water lines) on his days off . That was when I learned about "the permit process", I needed a permit to dig up the devils strip, a permit to remove a section of sidewalk, and a permit to attach to the cities waterline. The water line was under the sidewalk, which is illegal, it needs to be in the devils strip, but I couldn't move it, obviously, it had to be attached where the valve was, which was beneath the sidewalk , I couldn't put the valve in the sidewalk because it was supposed to be in the devils strip. It was a matter of legality, do you see the dilemma? Unfortunately city workers are not comfortable with making decisions, so this would have taken weeks if Tom and I hadn't decided to "screw them all" and just fix it where it was, and put it back like it had been. The most interesting part was the $25.00 permit to dig up the devils strip, because we didn't, dig up the devils strip, in fact we only dumped dirt on it, while we dug up the section of sidewalk, which had to be replaced with a special truck load of cement from a specific contractor who had the cities blessing to make the correct/verified mixture of cement required to replace city sidewalks. When the special cement truck arrived, the driver was shocked that we had only removed one plate of sidewalk and asked why I had even called, and not just mixed 4 bags of sackrete and poured it myself. I explained the process as laid out to me by the city permitters. He just laughed and poured the one wheel barrows worth of concrete and went on to a real job with the rest of the $600.00 dollar load of special mix. Right behind him, was the cute little blonde inspector of devil's strips for the incredibly stupid City of Akron, ( she was an "affirmative action" seasonal temp, I forget what they were really called, (CETA WORKERS?) but I digress) I mean face it, if the concrete truck was actually pulling away, why would there be an inspector for a related permit? But there she was, and she was stunned that all we had was an area of grass that had recently held a two wheel barrow pile of dirt and now needed to be raked over, to finish it. She asked why we/I had even obtained a permit for the devils strip? I proceeded to explain the cities permitters requirements as outlined to me, and she said she couldn't believe they had required it at all. I didn't say dumb blonde, did I?
In retrospect, I really shouldn't be surprised at the actions of the jack asses in Akron. In fact I guess I should have expected this snafu or worse. In fact the real fun is still in play, my current insurance company, which I had to change to, due to the fact that State Farm doesn't insure Farms????, no really, never saw that coming did you? With State Farm for 40 years, and they won't insure modular homes or farms, yet they send me a letter requesting I give them a call to to see "what they can do to get me back," about every three weeks, morons! Anyway, the new company, that I just informed, about my losses totaling over $10,000.00 due to the theft and vandalism (that the Akron Police Department wouldn't even make a correct report of) and they informed me, I have been paying for insurance, that they wouldn't honor, for the last 6 years. But don't worry, if I fill out enough papers, soon enough, I may get back $20.00 in "pro-rated refund" on my last quarterly payment. I know insurance is a scam, with more back doors and outs than anything, other than politics, but what a bold faced bunch of liars.
The digging up and cutting of the gas line, or in this case the water line, was a clear indicator to the criminals of Akron that the house was abandoned. Within two days, the break ins started, and the serious vandalism (tearing out the plumbing and wiring was immediate) I know this action is what signals the thieves to proceed and I feel it should be the responsibility of the gas company to patrol the properties they mark for vandalism. But they think it should be the police force's job, however they don't do it because the courts don't do their job, who don't do it, because the parents don't do their job, who don't do it because the world thinks it's bad to shame a child or expect them to be responsible because there are no longer any morals taught or expected of anyone because this is not a christian nation according to our affirmative action president, who is the fault of the 47% of grifters who feel it is their right to "live off" the 2% of producers in the country. Just my opinion of course, and what does that have to do with life on NADA FARM? Well, Nada Thing. Which is why we love it out here.
Lake Street and any real connection to the wonderful City of Akron, is no more. If you are there, get out while you can, as soon as you can, as far as you can. Dial 311 and listen to the heartfelt appeal to rat out your neighbors and get help for your drug problems. What a sad state of affairs, which is a double entendre' in this case, but everyone knows, and nobody cares. So happy to be from and free of The COA. Now back to NADA FARM....
Locally, I bought a tool, a Work Mate 85 From Black & Decker , you've seen them, a big clamp table, for odd shapes, and jobs like fitting doors and windows and such. Handy tool, "an extra set of hands" they even refer to it that way.
Well, I found out why it was in the second hand store, the boards that make up the top, functional part of it, were drilled wrong. by about 2 inches. Not much of a problem for a mechanic, but obviously too much for whoever got it as a gift. So I drilled 2 holes where they should have been, (MADE IN CHINA) and it works just fine, and I got it for half price. Now, 2 holes seems to run in "malformed tools" around here. I just bought a 4 wheeled hose reel (MADE IN CHINA) from Tractor Supply, it was missing the two holes that connected the rear axle to the bottom of the hose reel cart.
No problem, I drilled two holes, and finished
assembling it, then I discovered one of the 4 tires was flat and the tube had a hole in it, that I couldn't repair, the Chinese tubes are not butyl rubber, but some form of crap plastic that was cracked on a seam. I replaced the tube, with one from a Harbor Freight tire, that had lost it's crap Chinese bearings, and delivered it to Chris. TADA! As I began rolling the 100 foot hose on the cart I decided to hook it up to the hose bib on the back of the house, while I could still see in the center of it, so I would know if it had a leak. Well, that was an unnecessary precaution. The leak was obvious from about ten feet away as that was how far it sprayed water in all directions from the failed, Chinese plastic rotary coupling, in the center of the reel. It was on sale, it was $20.00 off, it was a total screw job, and is going back, without the repaired tube, and if I could, I'd remove the holes. I can't seem to get a break, but I still love it out here, I only need a good sunset to make me relax, and realize that all the morons out there, screwing up in their jobs, can't make me unhappy, just sorry to have to deal with them at all. I hope there is Karma, and they "get their just desserts" incompetent morons.
Next page, a little about "Climate Change" and some more incompetent jackasses in my everyday life. But don't get me wrong these are just warnings to you all, they are out there and they will affect you negatively if you don't keep a weather eye on the horizon... ARRGGGHH Matey!
Man, are we happy out here!
The happy Nada Farmer, got my drugs back for a while, nasty little MCO... Finding new and impressive ways to get confused on a daily basis.. And loving it.